Page 11 - Real Estate Buyer Book Carolann Clynes
P. 11

How to buy real estate in Summit
            Questions & Answers

                   Q. Where do we start?

                   You can start by driving around and getting a feeling for the area and its neighborhoods. Ask us for a map or pick one up at the
                   Chamber  of  Commerce.  or,  if  you  want  to  do  so  in  the  comfort  of  your  own  home,  you  can  peruse  neighborhoods  and  get
                   descriptions on our website. When you are ready to start the purchase process, meet with us on the phone or in person to discuss
                   your plans, time frame, “wish” list and “have to have” list. We will begin to send you some properties that fit your criteria. At our first
                   meeting we will also discuss how we will be working together and the choices you have as a buyer for agency relationships in New


                   Q. How do I find what I want?

                   After our first meeting and a review of the properties we have sent you for consideration, we will go over your favorite choices and
                   create a game plan. Then we’ll begin our property tour. We will have done our homework in advance and have selected the most likely
                   candidates. You will most likely have done your homework on line as well and have toured some homes virtually. if you’ve shared
                   with us all of your requirements and we’ve listened carefully, we may very well find you the right home in an afternoon. Sometimes

                   the first day becomes a familiarization tour and it takes another day or two to narrow down choices. once you’ve fallen in love with
                   a home, we’ll help you make a decision, write up your offer, negotiate the purchase, and you’ll be on your way!

                   Q. How quickly do I need to make a decision?

                   it is not our style to pressure you into making a rash or premature decision. it is our goal to educate, advise and assist you. However,
                   it is best to be prepared by bringing your checkbook when we preview properties. When you fall in love with a property, you should
                   act quickly to make an offer as soon as you’ve decided it is the one you want. opportunities have slipped away, sometimes by only a
                   short delay, regardless of what type of market we are in. We still get multiple offers on the best properties. We want to give you every

                   advantage possible and try to avoid putting you in a bidding situation whenever possible. When you wait, sometimes that happens.
                   once you are ready to move forward we can prepare the offer with speed, ensuring that your specific concerns are addressed in the
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